
Getting to know our teachers — Mike Zinnel

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Mike Zinnel works with a class of second-grade students at Duncombe Elementary School recently. During this class period, they played tag, practiced throwing skills and went through an obstacle course.

Mike Zinnel

Where do you teach?

Duncombe Elementary.

What grade/subject do you teach? Physical education.

Why do you teach?

I enjoy being around kids and building relationships with them. Duncombe has a lot of great kids and it’s fun coming to school interacting with them. I also like being active and enjoy finding games and activities that help kids be active and learn through movement.

What is your favorite part of the school day?

My favorite part is interacting with students throughout the day. I like hearing about them and what they have going on in their life. It’s a great feeling when you see kids happy.

What are you working hardest on right now?

Right now our school is making it a priority to build relationships with students. We want the students to feel valued when they come to school and know the teachers care about them.

What are you most proud of as a teacher?

I am proud to be a part of Duncombe. This school has a lot of really good teachers who are positive role models and care for all of their students.

What makes you the happiest as a teacher?

Seeing the students happy and knowing we are making positive contributions to their lives.

How do you contribute to/how are you involved in our community outside of school?

In the past, I helped coach wrestling at the middle school and the high school.

What are your interests/hobbies outside of school?

I enjoy spending time with my family and watching wrestling.

What do you wish your students/families knew about you?

The other teachers and I are here to help them and we want to see all of the students here succeed.

What does Together We Rise mean to you?

To me this means we work together as a school to help all of our students feel welcomed and wanted so they can all have a chance to succeed in school and beyond.


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