
Local Columns

Reining in Washington’s overreach

Our government is supposed to be “by the people and for the people.” Unfortunately, an obscure Supreme Court decision made four decades ago effectively handcuffed citizens and paved the way for unelected bureaucrats to extend the long arm of government into nearly every aspect of ...

Only American citizens should be allowed to vote in American elections

The right to vote forms the bedrock of our democratic republic and gives an important voice to the people — of which, by which, and for which our country was established, and President Lincoln so eloquently put during his Gettysburg Address on Nov. 19, 1863. Men and women in uniform have ...

Uniting our organization through our values

Caring for people — it’s what we do best. And it starts on the inside. We’ve created a culture that values every aspect of our team members’ lives. From a strong commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, robust professional development opportunities, encouraging regular feedback ...

Let us help your new employees thrive

Do you have new employees who have started within the last 12 months? Don’t let them navigate this journey alone. Studies show that if your new employee does not feel a sense of belonging within 90 days, you could be at risk of losing them. Our Community Concierge program is here to ensure ...

Feenstra recounts lessons from trip to Israel

Last month, I traveled to Israel to meet with government officials about the ongoing war. We walked the Kibbutzes where innocent Israelis were murdered, raped, beheaded, and tortured by Hamas terrorists and learned more of the horrifying details about the worst attack on Jews since the ...