
Getting to know our teachers: Nick Vinson

-Submitted photo
Nick Vinson talks with students to help prepare them for a test in his classroom this spring. Also pictured, in back from left, are students Alfredo Sandoval and Payton Wuebker-Brookshire, and in front, from left, are Shane Holder and Slade Babb.

Nick Vinson

Where do you teach?

Fort Dodge Senior High

What grade/subject do you teach?

9-12 grade level 2-3 special education

Why do you teach?

I teach for the students. They give me as much or more than I will give them. I enjoy every day and all of its challenges and celebrations.

What is your favorite part of the school day?

My favorite part of the day is seeing my students and having them in my classroom.

What are you working hardest on right now?

Currently, (response provided in May) I am working hardest on understanding all of the material that I try to help my students with in biology and physics.

What are you most proud of as a teacher?

I am most proud of the relationships I make with my students, athletes I coach and parents.

What makes you the happiest as a teacher?

What makes me happiest as a teacher is having students, past and present, share their achievements, news and successes with me.

How do you contribute to/how are you involved in our community outside of school?

I coach a number of different activities and spend time helping within the Pride softball organization.

What are your interests/hobbies outside of school?

I enjoy spending time with my wife Jennie, daughter Ruthie and son Finnick. I also love playing golf whenever I get the chance.

What do you wish your students/families knew about you?

I wish my students and families knew that I will always be challenging them to work toward getting 1% better every day. I am a firm believer in a positive mental attitude and striving toward being the best you can be. I don’t like to hear negative self-talk and push them to embrace the word “yet” when we are trying new or difficult tasks.

What does Together We Rise mean to you?

To me Together We Rise means when we work as a whole toward a goal. Nothing stops the Dodgers from getting where they want to be.

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