
What Seniors Are Saying

Ryleigh Habhab

1. What programs and activities do you participate in? I participate in volleyball, rugby, National Honor Society, and Ambassadors.

2. What academic accomplishment are you most proud of?

I’m most proud of being in National Honor Society my junior and senior years. Also, getting the Academic Letter Award. Going through so many things in high school was challenging, but I always tried my best to keep my academics first.

3. What’s your best piece of advice for younger students?

Always try your hardest even when you don’t want to. I know everyone says high school goes fast so make sure to enjoy the time you have, and I never believed it until now. Participate in as many things as you can, you won’t regret it.

4. What is your go-to song or artist?

My go-to artist would have to be Kane Brown.

5. What is your favorite class or subject and why?

Spanish because Senora Hinders always made class fun. She made me want to learn Spanish even when I wasn’t so sure about it.

6. What is your favorite movie?

My favorite movie is “Purple Hearts.” It has the best plot twist and is always a good movie to put on when you aren’t sure what to watch.

7. If you could have dinner with someone famous, who would it be and why?

I would have dinner with my Grandma Candy and Grandpa George. I know they aren’t famous, but being able to talk and have dinner with them one more time would mean the world to me. They were the best people to everyone, it didn’t matter who you were.

8. What are you working hardest on right now?

Making sure I am fully prepared for nursing school.

9.Who is your role model in life?

My mom is my biggest role model. She has gone through a lot in her life and still succeeds as if nothing has happened. She is who I look up to the most.

10. What is your favorite memory from your time in Fort Dodge schools?

My favorite memory is Homecoming. During Homecoming there are so many memories, from the dress-up days to powderpuff to the dance. It was always a busy week but the best memories were made.

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