
Newell-Fonda girls build from remarkable consistency, tradition

Submitted photo: Newell-Fonda girls basketball team members are, front row (left to right): Macy Sievers, Elise Hinders and Anna Bellcock. Second: Emma Stauter, Emma Erickson, Neveah Lyman, Laney Hogrefe, Mia Walker and Mary Walker. Third: Chad Hinders, McKenna Sievers, Isabel Bartek, Kierra Jungers, Audrey Kosky, Greta Larsen, Grace Erickson and Courtney Darrow. Back: Dick Jungers, Lindsey Wolf, Anna Mercer, Jaicee Vanderhoff, Kinzee Hinders, April Meyer, Macy DeMey and Kevin Larsen. Not pictured: Katie Kitt.

DES MOINES — Newell-Fonda has a tradition on the basketball court that is hard to match.

The state tournament trips, the championships and all of the glory that comes with it is a dream instilled in Mustang girls players at a young age.

For the fifth consecutive season and 17th overall, Newell-Fonda will be playing in the state tournament beginning here this Wednesday inside Wells Fargo Arena.

And none of it is taken for granted.

Head coach Dick Jungers is 442-70 in his career, and has led 13 of the school’s 17 state tourney squads. Jungers steers clear of the credit, though, emphasizing the community for their stake in the sport and the girls who play.

“We are really blessed to have families that are passionate about basketball,” Jungers said. “The first thing that stands out in our program is our parents do a great job. They coach teams from a young age and it’s not just about getting their kid better: they want everyone to get everyone better.

“That aspect helps the girls fall in love with the game, and it creates a tremendous opportunity at the high school level. It’s a very special environment.”

Jungers knows one coach or one player can’t do it alone.

“We are very appreciative of the community,” Jungers said. “The fans and parents have given us great crowds.

“The Mustangs will be very well-represented again in Des Moines.”

Newell-Fonda has made four straight state finals appearances. The Mustangs are the three-time defending champions.

This season N-F has breezed through its schedule and compiled a 23-1 record. In the last five years, the Mustangs are 129-3.

“We really don’t talk about (the records or the streaks),” Jungers said. “We just get ready for and focus on the next game.”

With success comes being the hunted — the team everyone wants to be like and knock off. Jungers believes his program has handled that pressure admirably.

“We have withstood the pressure from a whole different mindset,” Jungers said. “Teams come in with an underdog mentality and we have to come ready every night. We’re getting their best.

“The bottom line is we have stepped up all season long. That’s hard to do with the challenging schedule that we play.”

The Mustangs, who average 74.4 points per game, are led by four different classes in the scoring column. Senior Macy Sievers (14.3), junior Mary Walker (11.9), sophomore Kierra Jungers (10.6) and freshman Kinzee Hinders (8.8) lead the way.

“This group shares the ball very well. They’re a cohesive unit,” Jungers said. “They have fun together and are hard-working.

“They trust each other and when they get open they deliver the ball. They do a great job of recognizing each other. It’s great when you get to that point.”

The Mustangs, who have won 16 straight games, have relied on a swarming defense.

“Our defense gets after people,” Jungers said. “We are relentless.

“Offensively, we pass the ball well, cut and move.”

In the quarterfinals, the Mustangs face North Mahaska (23-1) on Wednesday. Action begins at 1:30 p.m. inside Wells Fargo Arena.

After losing their first game of the season, the Warhawks have won 23 straight.

North Mahaska is led by senior Layla Hargis (17.4), freshman Breckyn Schilling (12.7) and senior Addie Schilling (8.7).

“They are exactly what you would expect to see at the state tournament,” Jungers said. “They are long and athletic. They have a great post player we are going to have to deal with. They are never easy down (at Wells Fargo).”


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