
Hassett — 75 years old

Pat Hassett

Pat Hassett, of Fort Dodge, will celebrate her 75th birthday on Tuesday.

Cards may be sent to her at 2708 12th Ave. S., Fort Dodge, IA 50501.

Her family includes fiance Stanley Jones, of Fort Dodge; Micki and Don Laddusaw, of Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Rusty Hassett, of Moline, Illinois; Bob and Lynda Hassett, of Ukiah, California; Jim and Donna Hassett, of Humboldt; and Dick Hassett, of Mediapolis.

Hassett was born Feb. 14, 1942, in Detroit, Michigan. She graduated from St. Edmond in 1960. She worked 25 years for MidAmerican, 11 1/2 years at City Water Department and been a second-grade helper for 11 years.


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