

Standout runner is Simpson’s first national champion since 1988

Submitted photos via Simpson College Athletics: Former South Central Calhoun standout Spencer Moon of Simpson College wins the NCAA Div. II men’s 10,000-meter run on Thursday night in Myrtle Beach, S.C.

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. — Spencer Moon now shares something in common with track legend Kip Janvrin.

Moon scored just the eighth title in Simpson track and field history here Thursday night, winning the men’s 10,000 at the NCAA Div. II National Outdoor Championships.

Janvrin was the last Storm runner to win a crown, doing so in 1988. Moon is one of three to win an outdoor title along with Janvrin and Brett Hennessy.

“It is so special to win a national championship but it was more special to have my family, coaches and friends there to share it with,” Moon said. “Also, I received a lot of texts from family and friends too. It’s just so amazing to have that much support from an incredible group of people.

“I owe this to all of them. They’ve made me a better person and runner.”

The win earned Moon, a Lake City native, his third career track and field All-American honor and fourth overall to go along with cross country. He is only the 10th athlete in program history to garner at least three All-American honors in track and field.

Moon remained with the lead pack throughout the distance race, breaking away over the latter half. He would separate himself along with American Rivers Conference rival Tyler Schermerhorn of Wartburg and Wilmington’s Simon Heys from the field.

Over the final two laps, Moon and Schermerhorn battled, with Moon making his first attack of the race with 200 meters to go.

Moon clocked a time of 30:41.91 that included the fastest lap of the race by any racer on the final 400 at 1:04.99.

“The race played out perfectly for me. I sat in third for about the first 6-7k and then when the race started to pick up, I was there to cover the moves,” Moon said. “Then with about 450 meters to go, I tried to move into first but (runner-up) Tyler covered it and didn’t let me pass. So I waited a little longer.

“With 250 meters to go, I made a move with all I had left and Tyler didn’t respond so I tried to hold it until the end, and that’s what I did.”

Moon, who competed at the Drake Relays earlier this year, met Janvrin at the meet. The 58-year-old Janvrin claimed gold at the 1995 Pan American Games in the decathlon — an event he won three times while competing for Simpson.

“He came up to me right after my 1,500 there, which was super special,” Moon said. “He’s a great guy and only had really nice things to say to me.

“It’s special to be in the same conversation with a legend like Kip.”

Simpson is coached by former Webster City standout Heath Moenck.


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