
Local Columns

Vinyl records they sold are still around, but not the stores

House of Hits. Musicland. Co-Op Tapes and Records. Brownies. Next Door. If the Baby Boomers among us, or our children or grandchildren, have any vinyl 45s or albums in their possession, it’s likely some of those records may have been purchased at one of those Fort Dodge record ...

To our family, Al Habhab was family

At 18, he fought in the Battle of the Bulge and won a Bronze Star for crawling through German machine-gun fire to save a fellow soldier. He served with distinction as mayor of Fort Dodge for 14 years. He was appointed a district court judge and then chief judge of the Iowa Court of Appeals. ...

Representative says he’s running again

First off, I want everyone to know I’m definitely running for reelection. There seems to be an individual or a group out there that keeps the rumor mill running that I’m not seeking reelection. Not sure what their motive is for doing this. So, you are hearing it from me, I’m ...

Solving the equation for life’s variables

The journey we took together in 2023 was one of evolution and progress. Mark Twain is often credited with saying “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” Then Warren Buffett said “In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” In ...

Preventing and reacting to falls in the winter

Winter in Iowa is here, and weather-related falls are of greater concern. According to the Iowa Department of Public Health (2022), “Falls were the leading cause of unintentional injury deaths for all ages in Iowa in 2020.” Falls, particularly those in the winter, can happen to anyone, ...

State auditor explains his role

As Iowa’s taxpayer watchdog, I hear from Iowans just about every day with concerns about state and local government. Oftentimes, there are steps my office can take to address those concerns; other times, the next step is as simple as directing folks to the best channel in state government to ...