City announces sanitation schedule for Labor Day holiday
Due to the Labor Day holiday on Monday, garbage, and recycling collection routes for the City of Fort Dodge will be as follows:
Garbage normally collected on Monday will be collected on Tuesday.
Garbage normally collected on Tuesday will be collected on Thursday, Sept. 5.
Garbage normally collected on Thursday, Sept. 5, will be collected on Friday, Sept. 6.
The recycling route for Wednesday, east of 15th Street will be collected as normal.
Central Maintenance Facility will be closed for yard waste disposal on Monday. Curbside yard waste will not be picked up on Friday, Sept. 6.
The Sanitation Division requests that residents place their garbage and recyclables for collection by 5 a.m. on these dates. Due to the holiday schedule, the Sanitation Division will not make any return trips for garbage or recycling collection. Carts placed out later than 5 a.m. will not be picked up until the following week.
For more information, like and follow us on Facebook, @fortdodgeiowa. The garbage and recycling calendar for 2024 can be found on the City of Fort Dodge website at