Speed cameras return to Fort Dodge streets
State law had suspended enforcement system
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This is one of the vehicles that will be parked along Fort Dodge streets, in the city’s speed camera system that has been put back into use this week.
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This traile will be parked along Fort Dodge streets, in the city’s speed camera system that has been put back into use this week.
-Submitted photo
This is one of the vehicles that will be parked along Fort Dodge streets, in the city’s speed camera system that has been put back into use this week.

-Submitted photo
This is one of the vehicles that will be parked along Fort Dodge streets, in the city’s speed camera system that has been put back into use this week.
They’re back.
The mobile speed camera units have returned to the streets of Fort Dodge following an absence caused by a new state law.
The cameras, installed in two vehicles and a new trailer, were set up Tuesday. They will be rotated between several locations, approved by the state Department of Transportation, as needed in response to complaints about speeding.
For the first 30 days, warnings rather than tickets will be issued to the registered owners of vehicles caught speeding on the cameras. After those first 30 days, fines will be issued.
“Speeding remains one of the leading causes of traffic accidents, and this measure aims to curb dangerous driving behaviors,” police Capt. Steve Hanson said in a statement announcing the redeployment of the speed cameras.

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This traile will be parked along Fort Dodge streets, in the city’s speed camera system that has been put back into use this week.
The cameras will be used at these locations:
• 1300 block of North 22nd Street
• 1300 block of South 22nd Street
• 1400 block of 20th Avenue North
• 1800 block of Sixth Avenue North

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This is one of the vehicles that will be parked along Fort Dodge streets, in the city’s speed camera system that has been put back into use this week.
• 2600 block of North 15th Street
• 300 block of South 21st Street
• 400 block of North Ninth Street
• 900 block of South 17th Street
• 1800 block of North 32nd Street
• 1200 block of North 29th Street
• 1000 block of Avenue C
• 2900 block of 10h Avenue North
Positioned in areas of highest safety concern, such as school zones, residential neighborhoods, and places with lots of pedestrians, these vehicles use advanced radar and camera systems to monitor vehicle speeds accurately.
The new trailer is undergoing testing.
Fort Dodge has used a mobile camera system for speed enforcement since September 2011.
Use of speed cameras has remained controversial within the state legislature, however. Last year a measure was passed and signed into law by Gov. Kim Reynolds that put the brakes on such systems. It suspended the use of them and required communities to submit a list of proposed locations where they would be set up. Fort Dodge has so far been the only community to get all of its proposed speed camera locations approved by the state.