Manson Meridian Singers announce upcoming season
New members welcome; rehearsals begin Thursday
MANSON — The Manson Meridian Singers are preparing to embark on their 52nd season and would like to invite all who love to sing to join them.
Andrea Christians, of Pocahontas, will again be directing the group for a second year, accompanied by Trish Mernka, of Rockwell City. Christians is a Luther College graduate with a master’s degree in music education from the University of Northern Iowa. She has taught music for 24 years and is currently the 7-12 principal at Pocahontas Area Community Schools.
“The show this year will feature some familiar favorites as well as some choral standards to challenge the group a bit,” said Christians. “I’m looking forward to another fun season and invite anyone who loves to sing to give it a try.”
Rehearsals will begin on Thursday and will be held in the Manson Northwest Webster High School band room at 1601 15th St., Manson. Singers should use the school’s front entrance as there is construction taking place behind the school.
This year’s production is set for Feb. 24 and 25 in the auditorium at MNW Jr./Sr. High School.
A complete schedule of rehearsal times and dates will be provided at the first rehearsal. While the majority of rehearsals will be held on Thursdays, a few rehearsals will fall on other nights. Rehearsals are held from 7 to 9 p.m.
For more information, contact Kym Sutter at 712-469-3666 or Shelly Block at 712-210-4659.