
Triton McCoid named ICCAC athlete of year

Photo courtesy of Iowa Central: Iowa Central's Landry McCoid was a first team NJCAA women’s soccer All-American.

Landry McCoid spent a year away from soccer after a successful high school career at North Polk.

Last July, McCoid decided to go the junior college route and landed in Fort Dodge in search of a plan. The commitment to Iowa Central paid immediate dividends, as McCoid flourished on both the soccer field in the fall and with the track and field squad this spring.

Less than a year after becoming a Triton, McCoid is leaving campus as a decorated student-athlete: NJCAA first team soccer All-American, ICCAC Div. II player of the year, national qualifier and conference champion in the heptathlon, and second team NJCAA Academic All-American.

More importantly, McCoid earned her Associate in Arts degree at ICCC and is ready to start the next phase of her collegiate career as a member of the Div. I Western Illinois University women’s soccer program.

McCoid was named co-recipient of the ICCAC female student athlete of the year award on Wednesday. McCoid shares the distinguished honor with DMACC softball player Courtney Donahue.

“I’m honored and thrilled to be recognized with this award,” said McCoid, who went on a mission trip to South Africa after graduating from high school in the fall of 2022. “It means a lot to me, and is a proof of the hard work I put in and the support from my coaches, teammates, and family.”

McCoid had a huge year on the pitch with the Tritons, scoring a league-record 35 goals and accumulating 79 total points — the second-highest output in the nation among NJCAA Div. II soccer players. She added nine assists, and racked up nine game-winning goals for Iowa Central.

The Tritons went 15-4 overall and outscored their opponents, 113-10.

“Landry is a model student-athlete for (both) the women’s soccer and women’s track and field teams,” ICCC soccer coach Jordan Sibenaller said. “She is successful in all areas of her life, because of her commitment to doing things the right way.”

McCoid found her footing as both a student and athlete wearing Triton colors.

“I chose Iowa Central for its athletic programs and academics,” McCoid said. “My time here has taught me perseverance, teamwork, and leadership.

“I’ve grown both as an athlete and as a person, and I’m grateful for all the experiences that have shaped me.”


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