
Pocahontas Area’s Francis hired by NW Iowa CC

SHELDON — Eric Francis has been tabbed the new recreation and athletics director at Northwest Iowa Community College.

Francis, who most recently was a activities director and assistant girls basketball coach at Pocahontas Area, begins his position July 1.

After earning his degree from Iowa Central Community College, Francis attended the University of Iowa, majoring in business and teaching. He earned his bachelor’s degree in secondary teaching from the University of Northern Iowa.

“I have always been passionate about sports and movement,” Francis said. “Growing up, I was immersed in athletics, attending games my father coached and actively participating in various sports throughout high school and college. These experiences showed me the transformative power of sports and inspired me to pursue a career in teaching and coaching.”

Prior to his arrival at Pocahontas Area, Francis was at South Central Calhoun. In his five seasons as head coach of the Titan girls basketball program, he was named district and region coach of the year.

Francis also has served as a high school softball coach, middle school boys track coach, middle school football coach, dean of students and at-risk coordinator.

“I am both excited and grateful for the opportunity to join the NCC community. I am eager to play an integral role in developing recreational and athletic opportunities for students to pursue their passions both on the field and in the classroom.

“I look forward to helping establish the foundational blocks for new athletic programs, enabling students to participate in sports they are passionate about.”

While in college, Francis worked with the Iowa and UNI athletic departments in a number of areas.


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