
Ruffridge 7th for Pocahontas Area

Messenger photo by Britt Kudla: Garrett Seaba of Clarion-Goldfield/Dows took second at the state wrestling tournament in Des Moines. For more photos, please visit CU.messengernews.net

DES MOINES — All Tyce Ruffridge had to do was look across the living room to see that he wanted to emulate in his brother, Shea, had done.

Ruffridge (132), making his second straight tournament appearance, grabbed a seventh-place medal for Pocahontas Area, the same day Shea won a 141-pound Heart of America Athletic Conference title.

“I’ve seen the success of my brother and knew that I wanted something like that,” Ruffridge said. “All the accomplishments would not have happened without my amazing coaching staff, and of course, my family and friends.”

Tyce (39-7) ranked fifth, won by medical forfeit over Aiden Flora (27-6) of ADM.

“It wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows for me during my years of wrestling,” Ruffridge said. “A lot of ups and downs as a young high school wrestler.

“I was never the best, but something down inside of me wanted it.”

Ruffridge also had wins over 12th-ranked Luke Spaur (45-3) of Knoxville and No. 11 Blake Engel (32-9) of West Delaware.

He lost to top-rated Blaine Frazier of Burlington of Burlington Notre Dame and fourth-ranked Anders Kittelson (31-2) of Osage.

“I worked my butt off to get where I am and it feels good. Nobody can take it away from me,” Ruffridge said. “I worked in silence for a long time. My final season was the most fun I’ve ever had with my teammates and coaches.

“It truly is an ending to a fun and eventful ride.”


Three Cowboys took home state medals, led by Garrett Seaba’s state runner-up effort at 152 pounds.

Both Mack Seaba (170) and Daniel Chavez (285) took eighth at their respective weights.

Seaba (36-17), a junior, lost by fall to 12th-rated Eli Thorson (29-7) of Roland-Story. After a setback in the first round, Seaba had wins over Ben Tenge of New Hampton and seventh-ranked River Belger of Burlington ND, both via pin.

Chavez (37-11), ranked 12th, reached the quarterfinal round with a victory over sixth-ranked Nick Bronstad (39-9) of Okoboji. He then lost to state finalist Easton Fleshman of West Lyon.

Chavez picked up a consolation triumph over Anamosa’s Cole Sigler.

The senior then lost by fall (5:34) to Bronstad in the seventh-place match.


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