
There are many reasons to be a member of the Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance

Joining the Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance offers numerous benefits for organizations and businesses looking to grow and thrive in the Fort Dodge area. Here are some key reasons why membership can be advantageous.

Networking opportunities.

Members have access to a wide range of networking events, such as our quarterly Member Meet & Eat luncheons and quarterly Leading Ladies of Fort Dodge programs, and ribbon-cuttings, which provide opportunities to connect with other local business leaders and potential clients.

Advocacy and representation.

The Growth Alliance serves as a voice for local businesses and organizations, advocating for policies and initiatives that promote economic growth and a favorable business environment in Fort Dodge and Webster County.

Marketing and visibility.

Membership includes various promotional opportunities, such as having your event featured in our weekly e-newsletter, your content shared on social media and inclusion in other publications. This increases visibility and can help attract new customers.

Leadership Fort Dodge.

The Growth Alliance’s Leadership Fort Dodge program is designed to develop and enhance the leadership skills of individuals in the Fort Dodge area through a series of educational sessions, community projects, and networking opportunities. This program aims to prepare participants to take on significant roles in their organizations and the broader community, fostering a strong foundation of local leaders.

Economic development support.

Members benefit from initiatives aimed at attracting new businesses, expanding existing ones, and fostering a supportive environment for startups. The alliance provides resources and expertise to help businesses navigate these processes.

Community involvement.

Being part of the Growth Alliance allows businesses to contribute to the community’s development and improvement, enhancing their corporate social responsibility profile.

Collaborative projects.

The alliance facilitates partnerships between businesses, government agencies and community organizations, leading to collaborative projects that can have a significant positive impact on the local economy and quality of life.

By joining the Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance, organizations and businesses can leverage these benefits to enhance their growth, strengthen their community ties and contribute to the overall economic prosperity of the region.

Astra Ferris is the chief executive officer of the Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance.


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