
Support Luke Fleener for sheriff

To the editor:

We write in support of Luke Fleener for nomination for sheriff of Webster County.

In 1980, we moved to Dayton where L.J. served for five years as pastor of the United Methodist Church in Dayton. The Fleener family were members. We observed Luke as a regular participant of the activities of that church, a high school student, and a student at ICCC in the law enforcement studies. Living in Dayton, as an observant of Luke’s actions filling in for our Dayton officer we had occasion to observe Luke in his duties. We experienced personal observation of his ethical and compassionate actions in the fulfillment of those duties.

Retiring in Fort Dodge in 2002 we were pleased to find Luke Fleener as a member of the Webster County Sheriff’s Department. In the past 20 years we have not seen or heard anything that would dissuade us from the opinion that Sheriff Luke Fleener serves in the highest ethical standards and compassionate actions of a law enforcement officer.

We believe it is in the best interests of the citizens of Webster County that Luke Fleener continue to serve us as Webster County sheriff.

Leanne and L.J. Hartley

Fort Dodge

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