
Says Americans have less buying power

To the editor:

On Wednesday, Jan. 19, one day before the anniversary of his first year in office, President Biden held his 10th press conference, less than any of the five previous presidents in their first year. At one time he sarcastically thanked his communications team for helping him out, as if to blame them for his rambling and losing his thoughts. He became irritated at some of the reporters.

What affect did Biden have on the country his first year?

America has lost its energy independence. Just two years ago the U.S. was a net-exporter of oil. The U.S is now a net-importer of oil, including from Russia.

Biden has us on the brink of war with Russia over Ukraine. I suspect most Americans know little about Ukraine and likely couldn’t find Ukraine on a map. Yet, Biden is willing to protect the sovereignty of Ukraine but not his own country.

Our southern border is in chaos and a disaster for those dealing with the overwhelming numbers crossing the border illegally. According to U.S. Customs & Border Protection in calendar year 2020, Trump’s last year in office, there were almost 550,000 encounters at our southern border. In calendar year 2021, Biden’s first year in office, there were over 2,000,000. Biden doesn’t seem to care. I care.

The rise in violent crimes have made residents fear walking the street or riding the subway in cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Baltimore, and New York City. Liberal District Attorneys take it upon themselves to lower the standards of when a criminal will be prosecuted. In New York City the Manhattan District Attorney won’t prosecute those committing armed robbery, unless the weapon is used. That brings little comfort to New York shop owners facing an armed person fearing if they survive, the criminal may be out because of a “no bail” policy and be back to rob again. Many who advocated defunding the police, including Biden, are beginning to support law enforcement.

In December 2020, Trump’s last month in office, the Pfizer vaccine became available. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the coronavirus pandemic caused approximately 385,000 deaths in the United States in 2020, Trump’s last year in office. Over 450,000 have died in 2021, Biden’s first year in office. Remember, Biden was going to get this virus under control. Imagine the number of deaths had Trump not put the development of a vaccine at warp speed in 2020. I shudder to think how Biden would have handled the pandemic without vaccines or therapeutic treatments.

Biden has said the economy created more than 6 million jobs in 2021. What he doesn’t tell you is how many jobs were lost in 2020 that need to be recovered. According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs declined by 9.4 million in 2020 due to the pandemic. Millions of jobs need to be created each year to improve the economy and keep up with the number entering the labor market.

Inflation grew at a rate of 7 percent, the highest in 40 years. Biden continues to say he would not raise taxes on people making under $400,000 a year. In a sense he already has. Americans have less buying power every day at restaurants, at the grocery store, and at the gas pump.

Chuck Peterson

Fort Dodge


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