
Has DART suggestions

To the editor:

While I am a great fan of living in Fort Dodge and enjoying its choirs, theater groups, symphony orchestra, art museum, athletic fields, and parks, this fall and winter I have noticed a major shortcoming. Fort Dodge is not a pleasant place to live if you have no transportation.

Beginning last fall and continuing through this spring I have seen people walking 2 miles or more from any store carrying huge grocery bags, young women walking out in the middle of nowhere in the snow with young children, women with light jackets and barely any shoes walking to grocery stores.

What I am hoping is that the Fort Dodge DART could post their schedules in prominent places around town and in The Messenger, mark their bus stops, and perhaps give free or discount passes for low income people and to places like the YW, Beacon of Hope, and local shelters. Having available and affordable transportation would make life much easier for folks without transportation.

Marjorie Franks

Fort Dodge


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