
Takes issue with editorial

To the editor:

I find the need to take issue with your editorial of March 24 titled “Hard to know what Clinton believes.” I agree she seems to have flip-flopped on her opinion of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and it seems for purely political reasons. I was disappointed. However, to say that “Clinton has set new standards for flip-flopping on the issues” and “she has become the chameleon of the campaign trail” is comical. Really? Let me point out a few flip-flops of her main Republican challenger:

He said we need to legalize drugs to win the War on Drugs. Now he is opposed to legalizing marijuana.

He said he thought Hillary was a terrific woman. “I just like her.” Most recently; “I think Hillary would be a terrible president. She was the worst secretary of state in the history of this nation.”

He praised our intervention in Afghanistan. Recently said “America made a terrible mistake.”

Praised H1B worker programs. Now says they decimate American workers – even though he’s used them.

He was for abortion. Now against abortion.

These are just a few of his flip-flops. The latest number I’ve seen is 83 of them, some within minutes of each other.

You can call Clinton a flip- flopper if you wish – she was one. But to call her “having set a new standard” and “has become the chameleon of the campaign trail” is comical – and remarkable.

Dave Hilton

Webster City


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