Lights at Kennedy makes season bright
Holiday extravaganza supports local service groups
As Christmas approaches, the campground at John F. Kennedy Memorial Park is once again being transformed into a holiday wonderland. The 20th annual Lights at Kennedy will help make the season more festive for area residents and visitors. Additionally, the event raises money to support local service groups.
The light display, featuring multiple different exhibits, debuts Friday night. It will also be open Saturday and Sunday.
In addition to this weekend, the upcoming dates are Dec. 15-17 and Dec. 22-23.
The display will be open from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on each of those days.
Free will donations will be accepted.
Some of the donations will support the philanthropic efforts of the event’s sponsors, the Fort Dodge Noon Sertoma Club and the Fort Dodge Young Professionals. Backpack Buddies is one of the best known of those efforts. Since 2010, it has filled the backpacks of elementary school-age children from low-income homes with nutritious food to eat during the weekends.
The rest of the donations will be reinvested in the light show itself.
The numerous Christmas-themed displays that are at the heart of Lights at Kennedy are sponsored by businesses and organizations. This enjoyable outing has become a holiday tradition for many Fort Dodgers. It is a superb adventure that can be enjoyed by the whole family. Along the way, there’s a good chance participants will encounter Santa and his many helpers.
Each year there are changes and enhancements to keep the event fresh and exciting.
This month is filled with seasonal events that make it a joyous time of year. The Messenger strongly urges readers to include Lights at Kennedy on their hectic holiday agendas. The outstanding displays will help fill you with holiday cheer.