News of Record: Feb. 5, 2025
Magistrate Court
Webster County
Violation of parole — Keaton R. Collins, 34, 311 First Ave. S., transferred to Parole Board.
Third degree sexual abuse — Brandon T. Patterson, 43, Duncombe, seven counts, preliminary hearing set for Feb. 14, no contact order issued.
Incest — Brandon T. Patterson, 43, Duncombe, seven counts, preliminary hearing set for Feb. 14, no contact order issued.
Operating while under the influence, second offense — Aidan D. Pate, 23, Sac City, preliminary hearing set for Feb. 24.
Driving while license denied — Aidan D. Pate, 23, Sac City, preliminary hearing set for Feb. 24.
Third degree harassment — Stephanie J. Svoboda, 49, 326 10th Ave. N., trial set for Feb. 26, no contact order issued.
Disorderly conduct — Jamie L. Christian, 55, 1904 N. 22nd St., dismissed.
Interference with official acts — Jacob M. Erickson, 21, 2233 Oakwood Road, failed to appear, arrest warrant issued. Maliq L. McCaleb, 22, 1629 Floral Ave., failed to appear, arrest warrant issued.
Fourth degree theft — Jenna F. Germundson, 32, 707 Seventh Ave. N., preliminary hearing waived, no contact order issued.
Second degree harassment — Kyle E. Vanvalkenburg, 23, 1356 S. 27th St., preliminary hearing set for Feb. 24, no contact order issued.
Operate vehicle without owners consent — Jason J. Foy, 43, Meridian, Mississippi, continued until today.
Third degree theft — James D. Geopfert, 36, 2523 20th Ave. N., preliminary hearing waived.
Police Logs
A stolen vehicle was reported in the 1300 block of South 28th Street.
A theft was reported in the 200 block of Avenue N West.
A welfare check was conducted in the 10 block of South 25th Street.
Criminal mischief was reported in the 100 block of Avenue M West.
A disabled vehicle was reported at First Avenue South and 25th Street.
Juvenile problems were reported in the 900 block of South 18th Street.
A stolen vehicle was reported in the 100 block of North 10th Street.
A hit and run accident was reported in the 800 block of Kenyon Road.
A suspicious person was reported in the 1400 block of First Avenue North.
A fight was reported in the 100 block of South 12th Street.
Juvenile problems were reported in the 500 block of North 2nd Street.
A vehicle accident was reported in the 3000 block of First Avenue South.
A fight was reported in the 1600 block of Avenue B.
A disabled vehicle was reported in the 100 block of Kenyon Road.
A suspicious person was reported in the 300 block of North Ninth Street.
A suspicious person was reported in the 1900 block of 11th Avenue South.
A civil dispute was reported in the 2300 block of Fifth Avenue South.
A parking complaint was reported in the 300 block of Avenue G.
A suspicious person was reported in the 2500 block of North 15th Place.
An assault was reported in the 200 block of Avenue M West.
A suspicious person was reported in the 2100 block of Williams Drive.
A missing person was reported in the 600 block of South 18th Street.
A vehicle accident was reported in the 300 block of North 11th Street.
A person with a weapon was reported in the 1000 block of Sixth Avenue North.