
News of Record: May 23, 2024

Magistrate Court



Violation of probation — Paityn Harrison, 23, 292 Ave. M West, probation revocation hearing set for June 17.

Driving while license suspended — Lydia A. Fowler, 24, 328 Ave. M West, five days in jail (suspended), $250 plus surcharge, court costs.

Assault — Cayla J. Humphrey, 28, Clarion, trial set for June 19, no contact order issued.

Fifth degree criminal mischief — Cayla J. Humphrey, 28, Clarion, trial set for June 19.

Fifth degree theft — Keyonna L. Preston, 34, 1413 10th Ave. S.W., failed to appear, arrest warrant issued.

Interference with official acts — Naomi L. Altman-Alexandria, 18, 1227 16th St. N.W., dismissed.

Possession of controlled substance, cannabidiol, first offense — Keyanna S. Garrett, 37, Cedar Rapids, failed to appear, arrest warrant issued.

Police Logs



A suspicious vehicle was reported at Avenue C and Avenue B.

A drug violation was reported in the 800 block of South 20th Street.

Counterfeiting was reported in the 200 block of North 15th Street.

A welfare check was conducted in the 1900 block of Seventh Avenue South.

A parking complaint was reported in the 1900 block of First Avenue North.

A domestic disturbance was reported at 20th Street and Fourth Avenue North.

A welfare check was conducted in the 1200 block of First Avenue South.

A vehicle accident was reported in the 400 block of Eighth Avenue North.

A violation of a no contact order was reported in the 700 block of First Avenue South.

Downed power lines were reported in the 700 block of South 19h Street.

A domestic disturbance was reported in the 400 block of South 17th Street.

Downed power lines were reported at 12th Avenue North and Seventh Street.

A hit-and-run accident was reported in the 200 block of North 13th Street.

A violation of a no contact order was reported in the 700 block of First Avenue South.

An assault was reported in the 2200 block of Second Avenue North.

A welfare check was conducted in the 200 block of South 12th Street.

Downed power lines were reported in the 10 block of South 12th Street.

A vehicle accident was reported at First Avenue South and 27th Street.


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