
Area residents graduate from Morningside

A total of 11 area residents recently graduated from Morningside University in Sioux City.

They are:

• Amy Gotto, Humboldt, master of arts in teaching

• Laura Greene, Lytton, bachelor’s degree in arts administration

• Taylor Greene, Lytton, bachelor’s degree in arts administration

• Samantha Halbur, Manson, bachelor’s degree in nursing

• Sara Hamilton, Titonka, master of arts in teaching

• Isaiah Hinners, Pomeroy, bachelor’s degree in mathematics and computer science

• Carter Kramer, Fonda, bachelor’s degree in radiologic technology

• Tyler McDaniel, Fort Dodge, master of arts in teaching

• Mary Moser, Fort Dodge, master of arts in teaching

• Andrew Newell, Humboldt, master of arts in teaching

• Chandler Todd, Laurens, bachelor’s degree in nonprofit management


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