Showcasing Fort Dodge
Community’s assets detailed for developers
-Messenger photo by Bill Shea
Debi Durham, center at podium, addresses the Fort Dodge Developers Showcase Thursday afternoon at the Municipal Building. Durham, who is the director of both the Iowa Economic Development Authority and the Iowa Finance Authority, was the keynote speaker at the event promoting Fort Dodge to housing developers.
-Submitted image courtesy of the Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance
This image shows the new housing area being developed along Sunrise Drive in Gowrie.
-Submitted image courtesy of the Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance
This image shows the Williams Bend and the potential Williams Ridge housing areas along Williams Drive in Fort Dodge. Williams Bend, on the right, is the site of multiple homes already. Williams Ridge, on the left, has yet to be developed.

-Messenger photo by Bill Shea
Debi Durham, center at podium, addresses the Fort Dodge Developers Showcase Thursday afternoon at the Municipal Building. Durham, who is the director of both the Iowa Economic Development Authority and the Iowa Finance Authority, was the keynote speaker at the event promoting Fort Dodge to housing developers.
For companies that build homes, Fort Dodge is now the place to be.
That is the case local leaders made Thursday afternoon to a group of home builders during the city’s first Developers Showcase.
Leaders of the Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance and the city government touted upcoming economic development prospects, local amenities and several spots where builders could get to work right away.
And Debi Durham, the director of both the Iowa Economic Development Authority and the Iowa Finance Authority, told the gathered home builders that “Fort Dodge’s success story is an inspiring model for the rest of the state.”
About 45 people attended the event, which began in the Municipal Building and concluded with a bus tour of the city, highlighting potential housing locations.

-Submitted image courtesy of the Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance
This image shows the Williams Bend and the potential Williams Ridge housing areas along Williams Drive in Fort Dodge. Williams Bend, on the right, is the site of multiple homes already. Williams Ridge, on the left, has yet to be developed.
“When all Iowans have access to affordable homes, families, communities and businesses can thrive,” Durham said.
“Fort Dodge’s story is a testament to how economic development and housing go hand and hand,” Durham said. “With over 1,000 new jobs and $6 billion in capital investment on the horizon, the city recognizes the urgent need for quality housing to support its growing workforce.”
The 1,000 jobs and $6 billion in capital investment she mentioned may result from various economic development prospects the Growth Alliance and local government are now working with.
“Those are all opportunities that are on the table now,” Mayor Matt Bemrich said.
The housing areas highlighted during the showcase were:

-Submitted image courtesy of the Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance
This image shows the new housing area being developed along Sunrise Drive in Gowrie.
• Williams Bend and Williams Ridge along Williams Drive between 20th and 24th avenues north
• Lincoln neighborhood along North Eighth Street north of downtown
• Northwest River District along Third Avenue Northwest
• Downtown
• The former Willow Ridge Golf Course northwest of Fort Dodge
• Sunrise Drive in Gowrie
Late last year, Fort Dodge received the Iowa Thriving Community designation from the state government. It is one of the first five communities in Iowa to receive that designation.
“This program celebrates communities going above and beyond to create innovative housing opportunities,” Durham said.
The designation gives the community the chance to score more favorably on tax credit applications for housing programs, according to Astra Ferris, the chief executive officer of the Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance.