CCS to serve pancake breakfast
Event will support sports
An upcoming breakfast will allow people to enjoy stacks of pancakes while supporting the athletes of Community Christian School.
The breakfast will be served from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Jan. 25 at the school, 2406 9 1/2 Ave. S.
“It’s a great event to support,” said Amanda Slife, the school’s athletic director. “Come on out and enjoy a great breakfast.”
Tickets can be purchased from Community Christian School students or the school office.
Advance tickets are $8 for those age 11 and up. Advance tickets are $5 for those ages 3 to 10.
Tickets can be bought at the door also, but they will cost a bit more. Tickets at the door will be $10 for those age 11 and up and $8 for those ages 3 to 10.
Children younger than 3 will be admitted free.
Volunteers will cook the breakfast and Community Christian School student-athletes will serve the food.
Community Christian School offers boys and girls basketball for fourth through eighth graders. It also offers volleyball for fourth through eighth grade girls.
The school also has a pep squad of kindergartners through third graders and a cheerleading squad for fourth through eighth graders.
But according to Slife, the school does not have a budget for athletics. She said all the money for sports comes from the annual breakfast fundraiser and donations.
The upcoming breakfast will be the 38th one held by the school.
If You Go
What: 38th annual Community Christian School pancake breakfast
When: 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Jan. 25
Where: Community Christian School, 2406 9 1/2 Ave. S.
Tickets: Available now from students or the school office. Advance tickets cost $8 for ages 11 and up; $5 for ages 3 to 10.