Re/Max members donate to DSAOC

-Submitted photo
Re/Max of Fort Dodge members donated items for Christmas to the Domestic Sexual Assault Outreach Center. Pictured from left are Cindy Mulroney, Diana Pina, Leah Bair of DSAOC, Megan Peterson, and Lindsey McKinney, Re/Max broker/owner.
-Messenger photo by Bill Shea
Fort Dodge police officers work at the scene of a Friday afternoon crash on Eighth Avenue North east of Seventh Street that resulted in an SUV on its top. No one was injured. The crash happened at about 2 p.m. Police Lt. Matt Wilson said the driver of the Chevrolet Blazer turned onto Eighth Avenue North from Seventh Street and lost control of the vehicle. Fort Dodge firefighters and Webster County sheriff’s deputies also responded.
-Submitted photo
Re/Max of Fort Dodge members donated items for Christmas to the Domestic Sexual Assault Outreach Center. Pictured from left are Cindy Mulroney, Diana Pina, Leah Bair of DSAOC, Megan Peterson, and Lindsey McKinney, Re/Max broker/owner.