
‘No danger of collapse’

DOT responds to rumor of bridge problems

-Messenger photo by Britt Kudla
The Kenyon Road Bridge in Fort Dodge is expected to open near the end of December barring weather delays, according to Jenny Hoskiins, resident construction engineer for the Iowa Department of Transportation.

Rumors that the Kenyon Road Bridge was about to collapse Thursday are not true, according to the Iowa Department of Transportation.

“There is no danger of collapse,” said Jenny Hoskins, a resident construction engineer for the Iowa DOT who has been leading the Kenyon Road Bridge project.

Hoskins was surprised by the rumor which was fueled in part by an email from First Covenant Church to its congregants stating that “when they brought the heavy machinery and cement dividers onto the bridge, it started shaking violently … They felt like the bridge was about to collapse. Other people on Facebook said they have had a similar experience..”

Construction crews were completing work on the bridge Thursday and were moving concrete barricades and machinery as they were re-striping the bridge to reopen.

Hoskins said with the movement of those concrete barricades and machinery, those on the bridge may have felt the bridge sway as bridges are meant to move with weight distribution and weather and wind forces.

Hoskins said the bridge was recently inspected and was found to be constructed properly with no issues found during inspections.

The church’s email asked those in receipt to consider avoiding the use of the Kenyon Road Bridge.

Hoskins, however, said the bridge is perfectly safe to use and is scheduled to be open before the Christmas holiday.

The Kenyon Road bridge project began in November 2023. United Contractors, of Johnston, has a $15.2 million contract from the state to dismantle and replace the westbound bridges.

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