
Saturday night fire claims dog, Fort Dodge home

No one injured in blaze

-Messenger photo by Bill Shea
Flames are coming out the window on the north side of a trailer home in Fort Dodge during a Saturday night fire. The fire at 3102 N. 15th St. was reported at about 9 p.m. A dog died and the home was severely damaged.

A Fort Dodge resident lost their pet and their home in a Saturday night fire.

No one was injured.

The fire at 3102 N. 15th St. was reported at about 9 p.m. When firefighters arrived, flames were shooting out of a window on the north side of the home.

The dog was found in the home and was carried outside by a firefighter. Efforts to revive it were unsuccessful.

Nobody was home when the fire started, according to Assistant Fire Chief Matt Price.

-Messenger photo by Bill Shea
Fort Dodge firefighters work at the scene of a Saturday night blaze in a mobile home at 3102 N. 15th St. A dog died in the fire, which caused severe damage to the home.

He said the north end of the home was gutted by the fire, and the rest of it sustained smoke damage.

According to Price, the fire was caused by a window air conditioner. He said the resident of the home was known to be having problems with the air conditioner. He added that the burn patterns left by the fire led directly back to the air conditioner.

Fort Dodge firefighters and police were on the scene for about an hour.


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