
Mosley joins Growth Alliance

Ayres moves into new role

Someone new is greeting visitors as they come into the Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance building.

Kamisha Mosley is the alliance’s new administrative assistant. She took over on June 20 for Emily Ayres, who moved into the role of operations coordinator. Ayres replaced Deena McCaulley, who is now the budget and finance director for Webster County.

“I have always been interested in things in the community like volunteering,” Mosley said. “I am trying to become more active in the community and that was an awesome chance that I had when I came here to interview.”

She described her job as “a little bit of everything.”

She runs the front desk, prepares the alliance’s enewsletter, and maintains the calendar and schedule.

Mosley described herself as the “go-to gal for any of the staff that needs assistance with anything.”

She came to the Growth Alliance from 515 Vision Care in Fort Dodge, where she was an optician and worked at the front desk. She previously worked as assistant manager at Bath & Body Works in Crossroads Mall.

Mosley is a Fort Dodge native and graduate of Fort Dodge Senior High School.

In her new role, Ayres does all the financials for the Growth Alliance, plus the Webster County Improvement Corporation, the Development Corporation of Greater Fort Dodge and the Fort Dodge Betterment Foundation.

She is also responsible for the building, scheduling maintenance and calling repair workers as needed.

Ayres is the secretary and Growth Alliance liaison for the Fort Dodge Young Professionals.

“I was just looking for a challenge,” she said of her new role. “I enjoy a challenge and I was looking for something new.”

She is a native of Spirit Lake who graduated from Spirit Lake High School. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Augustana College in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and a master’s degree from the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, South Dakota.

She joined the Growth Alliance staff in October 2023.


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