
FD schools win grant for summer program

A newly awarded state grant will provide opportunities for students in the summer program of the Fort Dodge Community School District.

The district received an $88,735.89 Learning Beyond the Bell grant that will help to pay for everything from fresh fruit to weekly trips to the library.

“We are thrilled to have been awarded the Learning Beyond the Bell grant as it will allow us to expand and enrich our summer program in ways that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise,” district Superintendent Josh Porter said in a written statement.

“We are committed to providing exceptional educational experiences for our students, and this grant will play a crucial role in achieving that goal.”

The grant money will be used for:

• Teacher and staff wages for the summer program, which runs through Aug. 16

• Buying fresh fruit through November

• Buying math and reading kits

• A field trip to Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines this summer

• A field trip to Community Orchard this fall

• Weekly trips to the library

• Outreach visits from the Science Center of Iowa

• Two trips to local businesses for tours

• Buying 25 iPads and headphones

• Buying 30 digital cameras that students will use to document their summer experiences

The state grant, combined with a federal grant already awarded, enables the district to offer its summer program at no cost to families.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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