
Words of encouragement

UnityPoint Health — Fort Dodge brings joy to local elementary schools with ‘High Five Fridays’

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UnityPoint Health — Fort Dodge team members participated in High Five Friday at Sac City Elementary.

UnityPoint Health — Fort Dodge had a successful recent community outreach initiative, “High Five Fridays.” Team members volunteered to visit local elementary schools on Fridays throughout April and May to meet students with smiles, words of encouragement, and of course, plenty of high fives.

“High Five Fridays” is a small part of an ongoing commitment to fostering kindness and showing support for the communities UnityPoint Health — Fort Dodge serves. This simple gesture aimed to start the children’s and teachers’ day on a positive note.

“This small act of kindness only took 30 minutes, but it put smiles on students’ faces and hopefully made a positive difference in their day,” said Leah Glasgo, president of UnityPoint Health — Fort Dodge. “That’s priceless.”

Fort Dodge elementary schools visited included:

April 5 — Butler Elementary School and St. Edmond Catholic School

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UnityPoint Health — Fort Dodge team members participated in High Five Friday at Butler Elementary in Fort Dodge.

April 12 — Cooper and Feelhaver elementary schools

April 19 — Duncombe Elementary School

April 26 — Early Childhood Center

May 3 — St. Paul Lutheran School

May 10 — Community Christian Christian School

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UnityPoint Health — Fort Dodge team members participated in High Five Friday at Cooper Elementary in Fort Dodge.

UnityPoint Health — Fort Dodge team members also visited elementary schools in Pocahontas, Laurens, Manson, Sac City and Storm Lake.

With overwhelmingly positive responses from students, school staff and UnityPoint Health team members, the plan is to do more “High Five Fridays” next school year.

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UnityPoint Health — Fort Dodge team members participated in High Five Friday at Duncombe Elementary in Fort Dodge.

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UnityPoint Health — Fort Dodge team members participated in High Five Friday at the Early Childhood Center in Fort Dodge.

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UnityPoint Health — Fort Dodge team members participated in High Five Friday at St. Edmond Catholic School.

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UnityPoint Health — Fort Dodge team members participated in High Five Friday at St. Paul Lutheran School.

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UnityPoint Health — Fort Dodge team members participated in High Five Friday at Sorm Lake Elementary.


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