
County receives bids for Gowrie trail

GOWRIE — A little more than a mile of paved trail for walking, running or bicycling will be built in Gowrie this year.

Webster County officials have received bids from contractors interested in the job and all six bid prices are lower than what the $788,000 the job was estimated to cost.

The Board of Supervisors is expected to award a contract for the project next month.

“We’re excited to put the go in Gowrie,” Niki Conrad, the chairwoman of the Board of Supervisors, said Tuesday.

The trail will begin at the intersection of Main Street and Fairbanks Avenue on the northwest side of the city and extend east to Walnut Street. That section will be 5,800 feet.

There is also an option to extend the trail another 1,400 feet to end near the firehouse on Main Street.

It will be a 10-foot-wide paved trail.

Construction will start in August, according to Matt Cosgrove, the director of Webster County Conservation. It is expected to be done by the end of the year.


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