
Birdy Young added to JunqueFest lineup

WEBSTER CITY — Nashville recording artist Birdy Young has just been added to the JunqueFest lineup, according to Anna Woodward, Webster City Area Chamber of Commerce director.

Young, a recording artist and songwriter from Gladbrook, is perhaps best known for her recording “Hideaway Honey.”

She will perform Friday evening.

JunqueFest will kick off its 10th year Friday when the gates to the Hamilton County Fairgrounds open at noon.

According to Woodward, visitors will experience a refresh of JunqueFest this year:

• More vendors than ever: 90.

• More artisan quality goods for sale.

• More handmade items.

• More live music.

And, yes, more food. (Cue Three Rivers Kringla and Dave’s Coffee Cake)

All this, she said, is largely due to the efforts of Julie Coleman, the Chamber’s Office & Events Support wizard.

“She just kind of wrapped her arms around it,” Woodward said.

The refresh doesn’t leave the “old” good stuff behind, though. For instance, musician Kris Karr is back this year.

Back again are popular vendors too. Lilla Rose, The Iron Garden, Fort Dodge Freeze Dried, Boone River Rusticks, Stockdale Lavender, Windy Hill Mercantile, Shabby Bliss, and Grizzly Rose among them.

But back to that music. Here’s the rest of the line up:


• Noon to 2 p.m. — Kris Karr. A versatile musician, Karr plays guitar, harmonica, lap steel, and drums.

• 3 to 5:30 p.m. — Lee Klett. Klett, a singer/songwriter from southeast Iowa, blends country music with rock classics.

• 6 to 8 p.m. — Birdy Young


• 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. — Neil Anders. Anders, an indie folk-rock artist, showcases his versatility with a blend of rockers and ballads. His second studio album, “Miles From Nowhere” (August 2022), features collaborations with the Brothers Merritt and Jay Schneider.

• 2 to 4:30 p.m. — Hawk McIntyre. Blues/rock/country singer-songwriter McIntyre is known for his unique blend of Elvis, Kenny Loggins, Garth Brooks, Johnny Cash, Sam Smith, and John Mayer. He has already carved a niche in the music industry despite being just 24 years old.

Note that start times may vary slightly in the transition from one performance to the next.

JunqueFest is open Friday from noon until 8 p.m and Saturday from 9 a.m. until noon.

Admission is $1; children 12 and under are admitted free. The parking is free.

For more information, go online to visitwebstercityiowa.com.


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