
6th annual Autism Awareness and Acceptance Walk

-Messenger photo by Britt Kudla
Freya Eastwood, 7, of Fort Dodge, helps sister Alyssa Stanley, 2, walk on stepping blocks during the annual Autism Awareness and Acceptance Walk on Saturday inside the Fort Dodge Middle School.
-Messenger photo by Britt Kudla
Dylan Lincoln, 18, left, walks with his mother Janel Lincoln of Fort Dodge, and sister Amelia Lincoln, 12, during the sixth annual Autism Awareness and Acceptance Walk on Saturday at the Fort Dodge Middle School.
-Messenger photo by Britt Kudla
Elliot Drew, 10, of Fort Dodge, and his sisters Avelyn Drew, 6, of Fort Dodge play in a sand box with MJ Holmes, center, of West Des Moines, during the annual Autism Awareness and Acceptance Walk on Saturday at the Fort Dodge Middle School.
-Messenger photo by Britt Kudla
From left, Danielle Jessen, Angie Jessen, Bev Potter and Adam Plautz, all of Fort Dodge, attend the sixth annual Autism Awareness and Acceptance Walk on Saturday at Fort Dodge Middle School.


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