
Taking center stage with Kara McGonegle

Second family; McGonegle found her passion through school involvement

Kara McGonegle credits her decision to be as active as possible while walking the halls of St. Edmond High School for leading her to find a career choice.

McGonegle, a Gael senior, has been involved in jazz, concert and Gael Force band along with several other activities and sports over te past four years.

“I feel that being active in high school is the best way to make friends and memories,” McGonegle said. “If I had not gotten into the many activities I am involved in, I would not have found my passion for music that has made me the person I am today.

“Through these activities, I have grown as a student, musician, and most of all a person.”

Her decision to join certain programs was sparked by one key reason.

“I started in a lot of my activities because my friends were involved and I wanted to participate with them, but from there my desire to expand and learn everything I can led me to join more and more,” she said. “I love helping people and learning new things and will jump at any new opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others.

“Eventually, I have gotten to the point where I almost never say no to a new opportunity, club, or activity to take part in.”

Other areas that have kept McGonegle busy include student ambassador, pastoral council, quiz bowl, youth group, student council, honor society, yearbook club, 4-H, golf and being a softball manager.

“Through all of my clubs and activities, most of my memories have come from the musical ensembles I have been a part of,” McGonegle said. “Although my band journey has been full of ups and downs, all of my best friends and my best memories have come from the people that I have made music with for the past four years.

“Whether it’s the inside jokes made freshman year during band class to the games played during jazz team times my junior year, every single moment I have been involved in music has created the best memories and formed my second family that I will never forget. I wouldn’t trade any of these memories or people for the world.”

McGonegle will finish both her high school and associate of arts degrees in May and plans to double-major in Instrumental Music Education and Psychology with minors in Social and Emotional Learning and Mental Health.

“After finishing these degrees, I plan to get my Master’s in School Psychology and my Doctorate in Education specializing in Educational Leadership,” she said. “With these degrees, I plan to be a secondary band teacher while assisting in schools as a counselor or advisor. I also eventually want to move on to being a principal or superintendent.”

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