
The Messenger donates to Growth Alliance

-Messenger photo by Britt Kudla
The Messenger recently donated some of the proceeds generated by the publication of “All About Greater Fort Dodge” to the Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance, which uses the magazine to market the community. Terry Christensen, the publisher of The Messenger, center, presented the donation. He was joined by, from left, Deena McCaulley, operations coordinator of the Growth Alliance; Emily Ayres, administrative assistant for the alliance; Astra Ferris, chief executive officer of the alliance; Christensen; Leanne Darr, marketing director for The Messenger; Jill Nelson, community development director for the alliance; Jefferson Fosbender, economic development director for the alliance; and Skyla Porter, marketing director for the alliance. “The Messenger is proud to partner with the Growth Alliance for this wonderful annual publication,” Christensen said. “It is exciting to showcase the many positive things going on in our community and around the region. The Growth Alliance staff works tirelessly providing the content and photos. And, of course, the local advertising support allows this to come together.”


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