
Roll out the barrel

Oktoberfest to raise funds for a good cause

-Messenger file photo by Hans Madsen
Jesse Wilson, of Jesse Wilson & Friends, plays for the crowd Sept. 16 during the annual Downtown Country Jam in downtown Fort Dodge. He will take the stage at 4:30 p.m. Saturday during Oktoberfest.

An upcoming event will allow people to enjoy some crisp autumn air, college football, music and, for those over 21, keg beer.

Those items are the key ingredients for the Oktoberfest celebration Saturday at Oleson Park.

It will begin at 2 p.m. and go until 10 p.m.

Tickets are $5. They can be purchased in advance at Hy-Vee, 115 S. 29th St., or at the gate.

The event is a fundraiser for Linking Families and Communities, which is working to expand access to child care in Fort Dodge.

“It will be a good chance to have a good time and support the cause of increasing access to child care,” said Elizabeth Stanek, the executive director of Linking Families and Communities.

“Come out and have a good time,” she added. “Be responsible, obviously, but come out and have a good time.”

Because the weather is expected to be noticeably cooler by Saturday, heated, enclosed tents will be set up.

Early in the afternoon there will be college football games on large screen TVs.

At 4:30 p.m., Jesse Wilson & Friends will take the stage.

Next on stage will be Brutal Republic at 6:30 p.m. followed by Cory Waller and the Wicked Things at 8:30 p.m.

Throughout the day, there will be polka music.

Four different beers will be on tap. Alcoholic beverages in cans, soda and water will also be available.

Iowa Central Community College culinary students will be roasting a hog on-site. Bratwurst, hot dogs and other food will also be available.

Stanek said Linking Families and Communities hopes to make Oktoberfest an annual event.

If You Go

What: Oktoberfest fundraiser for Linking Families and Communities

When: 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday

Where: Oleson Park

Tickets: $5, available at Hy-Vee, 115 S. 29th St., or at the gate


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