
Humboldt Co. pursuit leads to accident in Pocahontas Co.

No major injuries reported, but suspect remains at large

The suspect in a high-speed pursuit through Humboldt and Pocahontas counties remains at large as of Monday afternoon.

According to a press release from the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office, around 7:07 a.m. on Friday, a deputy attempted to stop a subject driving a motorcycle in Rutland after confirming that the subject’s driver’s license was barred.

Steven Himes, 49, of Ottosen, then led the deputy in a pursuit westbound. The pursuit continued through Bradgate to Gilmore City and then north to Rolfe at speeds exceeding 90 miles per hour. Heading toward Bradgate again, the pursuit contributed to a collision between two other vehicles on 465th Street just west of 320th Street.

Himes continued into Bradgate and turned southeast onto Three Rivers Trail, at which time the remaining law enforcement vehicles discontinued the pursuit.

Himes is wanted for driving while barred, an aggravated misdemeanor, and eluding law enforcement causing injury, a class D felony.

No major injuries were reported with the collision between the two other vehicles.

According to the Iowa State Patrol crash report, Lectra Lindahl, of Rolfe, was driving west on 465th Street when she rear-ended Robin Taylor, of Rolfe.

Taylor had been accelerating on the roadway after she had slowed down to allow the pursuit to pass in the opposite direction. At the same time, according to the report, Lindahl was looking in her rearview mirror at the pursuit that had just passed, when she rear-ended Taylor’s vehicle.

Lindahl was cited for failure to stop in an assured clear distance.

The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office was assisted by the Iowa State Patrol, Iowa Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Enforcement, Pocahontas County Sheriff’s Office, Humboldt County Attorney’s Office and Pocahontas County Attorney’s Office.


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