
Celebrate the ‘positivity of aging’

Active Aging Week is Oct. 3-9

-Messenger file photo
Doug Mueller, left, of Lehigh, lifts weights as instructor Mary Jane Lavender, of Fort Dodge, leads an exercise class at Citizens Central in 2018. Exercise is one of the activities offered during Active Aging Week at Citizens Central.

The Fort Dodge Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department is celebrating Active Aging Week next week with a series of free community events.

“Active aging is a weeklong campaign that celebrates the positivity of aging and the benefits of active living at any age,” said Erin Arndt, program supervisor for parks and recreation. “The goal is to get those 55-plus just out and moving and doing things so they’re not just sitting at home.”

Active Aging Week is a nationwide event started by the Humana health insurance company.

Last year was the first time Fort Dodge Parks and Rec hosted events for Active Aging Week.

“We had people in every day for our events,” Arndt said.

Active Aging Week will kick off at 1 p.m. on Monday with bingo with prizes at Citizens Central, 617 Central Ave.

On Tuesday morning, residents are invited for a morning walk at Oleson Park at 9 a.m., with a light breakfast included. (Meet at the Oleson Park Bandshell.)

Citizens Central will host an exercise class at 10 a.m. on Wednesday.

The week will close out on Friday at 1 p.m. with a viewing of “Top Gun” at Citizens Central, including free popcorn and pop.

All Active Aging Week activities are free and open to all.

Other Active Aging Week activities across the state and across the country can be found at www.activeagingweek.com.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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