
Well, septic inspections moved to county planning staff

An employee of the Webster County Planning and Zoning Department is taking on new duties related to septic systems and wells.

Those duties were formerly conducted by a sanitarian employed by the county’s Board of Health.

The county Board of Supervisors on Tuesday approved a plan to move those responsibilities to the planning and zoning staff.

Those duties are:

• Inspecting and testing wells

• Ensuring that abandoned wells are properly plugged

• Inspecting septic systems

• Inspecting swimming pools

• Inspecting tattoo parlors

Jeff Johnson, the county’s planning and zoning administrator, said those duties tie in with the permitting and inspection work his agency already does.

Allison Roderick, a planning and zoning clerk, is completing the training needed to do those chores and is taking over the workload.

Johnson said the transition “ends up becoming a cost-saving measure.”

Supervisor Bob Thode voted no and Supervisor Keith Dencklau was absent.

In another Health Department related matter, the board approved the hiring of Dr. Kelli Wallace as interim director of that department. She will be paid $150 an hour.

Wallace replaces, at least temporarily, former department Director Kari Prescott, who was fired on May 25 for fostering a hostile work environment.

Wallace actually began serving as the interim director on June 13.


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