
CVB unveils new website

Virtual scavenger hunt is underway

The Fort Dodge Convention and Visitors Bureau is inviting people all over the state, nation and world to Dodge the Ordinary on the world wide web.

The bureau has unveiled a new website, www.DodgeTheOrdinary.com.

”We believe that Fort Dodge has great tourism potential,” said Kerrie Kuiper, the executive director of the bureau. ”We think the new website really shows off the uniqueness of our local community, commerce and landscape.”

”One of the features we’re really excited about is the event calendar,” she added. ”We actually monitor quite a few organizations and we’re able to update the events calendar in real time. We’re able to get a lot more events.”

The bureau’s website includes contact information for real estate agents and landlords which would be useful for people considering a move to Fort Dodge.

To help people explore the new website, the bureau is holding a virtual scavenger hunt. To complete the scavenger hunt, find words on the website highlighted in orange and complete a form on the site. Those who complete the form will be eligible to win a CVB T-shirt.


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