
Main Street FD seeking volunteers

Main Street Fort Dodge (MSFD) is currently seeking volunteers for a variety of new and established positions.

MSFD is a volunteer organization that fosters public-private partnerships to revitalize and market historic downtown Fort Dodge. MSFD is its own standalone organization with one full-time staff member and one part-time staff member made successful through those public-private partnerships working off a roadmap provided by Main Street America and Main Street Iowa.

MSFD is also a Self-Supporting Municipal Improvement District (SSMID), which simply means each property in the defined district currently pays incrementally toward a fund which is used to implement different improvements in the district.

As you drive through our historic downtown and notice things such as improved facades, security cameras, decorative garbage receptacles, fencing and planters, roundabout features, artwork, or fresh lunches on the square, those are examples of some initiatives achieved through Main Street Fort Dodge.

The organization is built upon the following four tenants and their respective visions:

• Economic Vitality creates a supportive environment to sustain and attract businesses.

• Design provides resources for enhancing the physical appearance through technical assistance and potential funding sources.

• Promotion markets the district’s characteristics through innovative promotional activities, special events and campaigns.

• Organization ensures that all partners are moving toward a unified goal of communication and financial stability.

Each of these have their own committee and the Organization tenant has both a Communication and a Fundraising committee.

There is an 11-person board overseeing the business of the organization and each board meeting includes liaisons from the City of Fort Dodge, Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance and Fort Dodge Convention and Visitors Bureau. The board consists of at least nine downtown property owners or their representatives, and up to two private sector members.

If you have any interest in learning more about the impact the organization makes for this region and how you could share your specific talents with the group, contact Main Street Director Kris Patrick at 515-573-3172 or kris@mainstreetfd.org or Main Street Fort Dodge President Kate Stucky at stuckyk@st-edmond.pvt.k12.ia.us

Visit the Main Street Fort Dodge website for more information. https://www.mainstreetfd.org/

Starting at $2.99/week.

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