
Tentative date set for FDSH commencement

The Fort Dodge Senior High class of 2020 may still have the opportunity to wear their Dodger red caps and gowns to walk across the stage and accept their high school diplomas.

The Fort Dodge Community School District announced Tuesday night its plans to host commencement on July 26 at Dodger Stadium.

“We know how important this is to students and families,” said Jennifer Lane, FDCSD director of communications and community relations.

Commencement was originally scheduled for May 31. It was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lane said the district is postponing graduation in hopes of being able to hold an in-person ceremony.

“We will be following all social distancing guidelines given by the state at that time, which could include limiting the number of guests per graduate and different seating arrangements than in the past,” Lane said. “Contingency plans are being made in the event we are still unable to gather in large groups at this time.”

The district also announced the cancellation of prom.

“We understand this is disappointing,” Lane said. “But our top priority is keeping our students, staff and families safe at this time.”

Class Night, which was scheduled for May 28, will not be held in person.

“We are currently working on a virtual option to share the scholarship and award announcements that would have been made that night,” Lane said. “Stay tuned for more details on what this will look like and when it will be released.”

Lane acknowledged the disappointment in not being able to close the year as anticipated.

But she said the district looks forward for the chance to host a commencement later this summer.

“We know this was not the way any of you expected to end your Dodger experience,” she said. “We also know that you are a strong, resilient group who will use this experience to make our world a better place. We are hopeful we will be able to celebrate with you on July 26.”


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