Malorie Ort, PCT, receives ROSE Award

Malorie Ort
- Malorie Ort
Malorie Ort, a patient care technician in Acute Care, received the ROSE Award at UnityPoint Health — Trinity Regional Medical Center.
She was nominated by a patient, who shared about her stay after having surgery — and the care she received from the night shift team.
“My first night, I set the bed alarms off several times, and each time the alarm went off or I called for the bathroom, Malorie answered,” the patient said. “She always had a smile and never showed any frustration. She willingly came in with a smile — that makes a patient feel great!”
The ROSE Award stands for Recognition Of Service Excellence and is presented to patient care technicians who consistently demonstrate excellence through clinical expertise, extraordinary service and compassionate care. They are recognized as outstanding role models in the nursing community.
Patient care technicians can be nominated for the ROSE Award by patients, their family members or team members at UnityPoint Health.