
Woodruff recognized as Outstanding Alumnus

Don Woodruff recently received the 2019 College of Engineering and Science Outstanding Alumnus in Engineering Award from his alma mater, Florida Institute of Technology.

Woodruff is a design-build professional and president of Woodruff Construction LLC, with four offices in Iowa.

He has enjoyed over 30 years of service and leadership with the company.

A 2006 recipient of the Outstanding Service Award from the Florida Tech College of Engineering, Woodruff is a member of the Florida Tech Construction Advisory Board and the Florida Tech Civil Engineering Advisory Committee and serves as chairman of the board for Master Builders of Iowa.

He is a part of the Fort Dodge Growth Alliance, Fort Dodge REC Foundation Board, Iowa Lean Consortium, CIRAS Advisory Board, Construction Financial Management Association, EFP Investment Club, University of Iowa Business College of Health Business Leadership Council, the Mid-Iowa Growth Partnership and the City of Fort Dodge Board of Appeals.

Previously, Woodruff has been a board member for numerous organizations, including the YMCA Foundation, the Blanden Memorial Art Museum Foundation, the Development Corporation of Fort Dodge and Webster County, and the Trinity Regional Hospital Foundation.


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