
Mats and more at OSUM Church today

MANSON — Today the public is invited to Our Savior United Methodist Church in Manson for a freewill offering luncheon starting at 11 a.m., followed by a program on plastic mats being made for homeless and needy people. Come and learn more about how these mats are made from start to finish and how you can help.

Mike Biedenfeld, Manson, will be providing the loom lesson on how to make these sleeping mats from used plastic shopping and grocery bags. Biedenfeld says, “These mats provide a cushion … and a layer of insulation from damp and frozen ground.”

Biedenfeld and his wife Beth both deserve the credit for starting and overseeing this program at OSUM Church. The church has received lots of support so far with donations of bags, with helpful volunteers to fold and cut these bags for the “plarn” (plastic yarn), along with help to weave the mats and finish the ends when the mats come off the loom.

Some of these finished mats have already been delivered to the SALT Center at First Baptist Church in Fort Dodge, along with the Urban Bicycle Ministry in Des Moines, and overseas for missionaries through the outreach of Midwest Missions in Jefferson.

All are welcome to come and join in the fun, food, and fellowship today starting at 11 a.m.


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