
Rossow — 90th birthday

Clarice Rossow

Clarice Rossow, of Fort Dodge, will celebrate her 90th birthday with an open house from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Feb. 1, at St Paul Lutheran Church, 400 S. 13th St.

Cards may be sent to her at 2713 15th Ave. N., Fort Dodge, IA 50501.

Her family includes Dana Rossow, Cory and Kristin Rossow, Julie and Terry Madden, Amy and Keith Collins, and Christine and Rick Thompson. She has 15 grandchildren. Her husband Maynard and daughter-in-law Crystal Rossow are deceased.

Clarice Sylvia Johnson was born on Feb. 4, 1935, in Storm Lake. She married Maynard Dale Rossow on Aug. 10, 1958, and they raised their children in Fort Dodge. He passed away on May 14, 2015.

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