
Shanks — 95th birthday

Robert Lee Shanks

Robert Lee Shanks, of Fort Dodge, will celebrate his 95th birthday with his family on Sunday.

Cards may be sent to him at 2636 21st Ave. N., Fort Dodge, IA 50501.

His family includes Dave and Joyce Shanks, of Prairie City; Bob and Kathryn Shanks, of Richmond, Virginia; Joe and Jody Shanks, of Fort Dodge; Jeff and Connie Shanks, of North Liberty; and Steve and Michelle Shanks, of Omaha, Nebraska. He has 12 grandchildren and soon to be 21 great-grandchildren. His wife, Mary, passed away in 2005 after 54 years of marriage.

He was born on May 24, 1929, in Harrisonville, Missouri. He grew up in the Jefferson City, Missouri area. He met Mary Bunkers, of Windom, Minnesota, at Yellowstone National Park the summer of 1949. They married on June 9, 1951. He attended the University of Missouri majoring in Animal Husbandry. Before finishing his studies, he was drafted in the Army and served in the 103rd Counter Intelligence Corps in New York City. After serving our country, he graduated from Mizzou and worked for the Hormel Corp. as a livestock buyer for the next 36 years.


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