
Miller — 90th birthday

Della Marie Miller

ANKENY — Della Marie Miller, of Ankeny, is celebrating her 90th birthday today.

Cards may be sent to her at 1201 SE Mill Pond Court, Apt. #124, Ankeny, IA 50021.

Her family includes Anita Stevenson, Ankeny; Mark and Laura Miller, Richmond, Texas; and Rhonda and John Nielsen, Lake Mills. She has 12 grandchildren (one deceased), and eight great-grandchildren. Her husband, Kenneth Miller, daughter Teresa Drennon, and son-in-law Bill Stevenson are deceased.

Della Marie Brietenkamp was born May 25, 1934, at Hamilton County Hospital, Webster City. She grew up on a farm north of Blairsburg and graduated from Blairsburg High School. She worked many years for the telephone company and as a farmer’s wife. She married Kenneth Wayne Miller in 1953 at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Webster City.


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