
Merk twins 80th birthdays

Darrel and Don Merk, former Manson residents, will celebrate their 80th birthdays on May 30.

Cards can be sent to Darrel Merk at 1831 Wilburn Park Lane NW, Charlotte, NC 28269.

Cards can be sent to Don Merk at 2835 Lakeside Driven Plattsmouth, NE 68048.

They were born on May 30, 1944, at Lutheran Hospital in Fort Dodge, and raised on a farm east of Manson. They attended a one-room schoolhouse for their elementary education and graduated from Manson High School in 1962. Darrel retired from Archer Daniel Midland and farming. Don retired from United Parcel Service and farming.

Darrel and his wife Maxine moved to Charlotte, N.C., to be closer to their children Jeff and Wendy Merk; and Kim Merk and Scott Guido. They have four grandchildren.

Don and his wife, Diane, moved to Plattsmouth, Nebraska, three years ago. Their family includes Darci and Monte Poland, of Plattsmouth, Nebraska; Danelle Merk, of Florida; and Darah Merk, of Chicago, Illinois.


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